
Creek Street Christian College welcomes new enrolments for families interested in a Christian Education for their children. Our academic programs are reinforced by our support program and provide excellent value to families wanting to provide the best education for their children.

Expression of Interest

Parents who would like to find out more about Creek Street Christian College are encouraged to enquire further by reading through sections on website.

If after parents have read through this information and feel that they are willing to support the Christian philosophy of the College they are then encouraged to apply for enrolment.

College Tours

You are welcome to come and discover Creek Street Christian College, by taking a tour of our facilities and meeting our Principal and team. Tours of the College are available any day of the year. Come discover what the College can offer your child.


The college has a strict uniform policy that requires students to be in correct attire each school day. The wearing of the school uniform is compulsory and items must be purchased from Noone Bendigo. Items other than these are not acceptable.

Students are to be clean, neat and tidy at all times and the uniform should be worn in a way that brings credit to the student and the College.


It is Creek Street Christian College’s policy to set its fees at a level that is affordable to most families within our community. The fees charged to families enable the College to provide resources and quality staff to deliver the excellent level of education Creek Street Christian College is known for and to help students discover all God made them to be.