The 9/10 Engineering Elective was treated to a site tour of various Plant rooms at Bendigo Health.
Students learnt about the three power systems that service the Hospital.
- Mains Grid power, this included explaining of the 22kV, high voltage redundant main ring that is stepped down via transformers to mains switch boards.
- Gas powered generators.
- Diesel Rotary Uninterrupted Power Supply (DRUPS)
Seeing and hearing the generators and accompanying large engines was fascinating. Students learnt about redundancy that is built into the hospital, for breakdown and servicing purposes.
Next time you are in the hospital look for Red, White and Blue power outlets, which is part of the power supply redundancy!
Server rooms, telephone servers, helipad and the pneumatic tube delivery network system were also part of the tour.
A very practical demonstration of engineering systems at work and a fascinating tour.