College Council
The College is overseen by a College Council whose members are appointed by the Creek Street Church Oversight Team. It is also strongly supported by this local Church family; materially, prayerfully and through practical service.
The College Statement of Doctrines and Beliefs is formulated by Creek Street Church Oversight Team and is in line with and in agreement with the Creek Street Church Statement of Faith.
The College Council’s primary task as a leadership team is to seek Godly wisdom and to act on behalf of those served by the college, to achieve the following:
- Clearly articulate the vision and goals of the College
- Establish polices aimed at achieving the vision and goals
- Appoint a Principal and Business Manager whose appointments are ratified and supported by the Creek Street Church Oversight Team. The Principal provides leadership in achieving the College’s visions and goals and the Business Manager has high level financial skills to manage this aspect of the College now and into the future
- Govern by policy determination, establishing executive policies and limitations for execution by the Principal
- Ensure the accountability of the Principal, Business Manager, and itself (the Council).
In order to fulfill its role, the Council members:
- Seek Godly wisdom for the College and its mission to the community
- Maintain an active interest in matters impacting on Christian schooling, especially as they affect the ability of the College to fulfil its vision and goals
- Bring relevant knowledge and prayerful consideration to all matters
- Act at all times in accordance with Australian law, and the Constitution of the College
The College Council is a Christian community serving and worshiping together. Such a group is like the body of Christ. Each member brings gifts, perspectives, intellect, wisdom and experience with a heart to serve under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
2024 College Council Members
- Mr Tim Maxwell – Chairman (Senior Pastor of Creek Street Church)
- Mrs Lynne Hall – Member (Acting College Principal)
- Mr Shaun Eldridge – Member (College Corporate Manager)
- Mr Caleb Maxwell – Member (Creek Street Church Member and Business Owner)
- Ms Catherine Trimnell – Member (Creek Street Church Member and Teacher)
- Mrs Brooke Ball – Member (Teacher and parent)
- Mrs Felicity Barker – Member (Accountant, Creek Street Church Member and parent)
College Staff
Christian teachers provide a positive and encouraging environment in which to learn, and all students are encouraged to give of their best. Individual learning styles, levels of ability and interests are catered for through a variety of teaching methods including the use of various thinking tools, individual and group work, explicit teaching, interactive panels, personal laptops and computer labs. Handwriting and times tables remain key foundational life skills and their value is reinforced throughout the college.
The staff of Creek Street Christian College offer a wide range of expertise in their individual learning areas. Collaboration and professional planning play a key role in a cohesive and team-oriented environment.